Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week Recap

So this week was about like any other, no real special events going on. The beginning was occupied with me working. This time I didn't cook before hand....and regretted it. I should def try to make a habit of precooking meals. It just makes the week go by a lot smoother. So I declare tomorrow grocery shopping and meal cooking day.

Things I either learned this week or already knew.....
Cadence will probably be a computer geek
 I ask her not to sit on the couch while eating chocolate because she will make a mess and this is what I come back least she listens. We are now trying a new rule of only eating and drinking in the kitchen or dining room.
 Don't leave your dog inside while you are not home....this is what you return to.
 Stacy raved over this so much that I had to try it. It was actually very good
 I discovered that Garrett Knight is in fact not the only person in the world that thinks the Watermelon Festival is something worth coming to, which is what I previously thought. (Sorry only certain people from USC will understand this). But I should go ahead and inform you, you will not be seeing any watermelons there
 On the way to Cadence's school for Muffins with Moms she informed me that she also is not a fan of riding behind someone who has a load like this.  My mother has lost way to many things out of a truck bed for me to be comfortable with this.
Me and the Hubby finally got to have a date night, it has been way too long. Good food at Logans (of course I had the steak) and the new Underworld movie. I've always been a fan, and it continues as long as Kate Beckinsale, or however it is that you might spell her name, is in it. Looking forward to NewSpring tonight. I love spending time in praise with my Church and hope for another awesome message. The fellowship with some of the best people I know at Papas and Beer after is also a great plus.

And just so everyone knows I thought I should inform you that this spring I am officially bringing the tight roll back :) Don't forget- you heard it here first.

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